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International Schedule
Upcoming Classes, Talks and Conferences
WhatsApp or Telegram (Shayne): +41 76 269 7566

On this page:
Courses schedule
Graduate support schedule
Google training calendar

Our training team delivers three courses:

1. Foundational Training - this 15 hour course provides an overview of the key models of our work and teaches a trauma healing technique for biographical traumas, generational traumas, and body associations. These 3 healing techniques form the foundations of most of our therapy protocols. It is designed for coaches, therapists and health professionals to add some simple but highly effective techniques to their toolkit for work with their clients or to get an experience of our training to determine whether you might wish to participate in our full trauma therapy training. It is the first module of training for the trauma therapy training.

2. Trauma Therapy Training - this comprehensive course (about 140-150 hours depending on class size) teaches the underlying biology and how to diagnose all of our trauma types and subcellular cases. In most cases, the students are also taught (and practice) the technique to permanently heal the trauma or subcellular case as well (some exceptions include clinic processes and some cases that we have not developed a treatment for yet).

3. Peak States Therapy Training - this course teaches the processes for guiding clients to attain peak states of consciousness, such as Inner Peace, Silent Mind and Peak Experience to Peak State (as well as another Gaia based process). It is a pre-requisite to be certified in our trauma therapy training to participate in our Peak States Therapy training.

Other specialist trainings are also delivered by our clinic and research teams.

New therapy training courses (online, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Denmark, France, Germany, Honduras, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Morocco, Norway, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, Ukraine, USA) are listed here about 3 months before the courses start.

Date Location 2025 Courses
Poland flag icon
w sieci
Szkolenie Teraputa Traumy ISPS

Prowadzone w języku polskim. Online, w formule konferencji na Zoom. 20 tygodni, najpowrw raz, a później dwa razy w tygodniu, terminy uzgodnione z grupą. Trenerzy: Agata Szyplińska i Marzena Defler. Kontakt: Agata.szyplinska(at) lub ispsmarzena(at) lub WhatsApp/telefon: +34 685 051 586 lub +48 791 190 403. Więcej informacji

Date Location 2024 Courses
Russian Federation flag icon
ISPS Trauma Therapy Training

60% delivered in Russian and 40% in English with Russian translation. Online, using Skype or zoom conference formula. Trainers: Eduard Sirota and Nemi Nath. Contact via email address: eduard.sirota(at) for information and enrolments.

USA flag icon
Canada flag icon
UK flag icon
ISPS Peak States Therapy Training

It is a prerequisite to be an ISPS certified Trauma Therapist to attend this training. A training in English for certified ISPS Trauma Therapists based in USA, Canada, UK, or Europe. Duration: 75 hours. Certification procedure for PS therapy after the training: oral test. Trainer: Shayne McKenzie. Contact Shayne (in English) via email address: shayne(at) or WhatsApp/ Telegram: +41 76 269 7566.

Canada flag icon
France flag icon
Switzerland flag icon
ISPS Trauma Therapy Training

This online training will be delivered in French. It will be suitable for Quebec and European/North African time zones. Trainer: Dr Céline Guérin. Contact Celine (in Switzerland - French or English) via email: dr.guerin(at)

Canada flag icon
France flag icon
ISPS Foundational Training

This online training will be delivered in English (and possibly with French translation). It will be suitable for North America and European/North African time zones. Trainers: Gaëtan Klein and Shayne McKenzie. Contact Gaëtan (in France - French or English) via email: contact(at) or WhatsApp: +33 6 03 28 43 58.

Canada flag icon
France flag icon
ISPS Peak States Therapy Training

It is a prerequisite to be an ISPS certified Trauma Therapist to attend this training. An English speaking training with French translation for certified ISPS Trauma Therapists. Duration: 96 hours. Certification procedure for PS therapy after the training: oral test. Trainer: Shayne McKenzie. Translator: Dr Céline Guérin. Contact Shayne (in English) via email address: shayne(at) or WhatsApp/Telegram: +41 76 269 7566 or Céline (in French or English) via email dr.guerin(at)

UK flag icon
Australia flag icon
ISPS Foundational Training

This online training teaches the foundational trauma healing techniques most often used in our trauma therapy protocols. It will be delivered in English in five 3-hour sessions.It will be suitable for students based in UK, Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia, NZ, or Australia. Likely to be in the morning in UK/Europe/ Africa/ afternoon in Asia/ evenings in Australia - to be finalized based on student availability). Trainer: Shayne McKenzie. Contact Shayne (in English) via email address: shayne(at) or WhatsApp/Telegram: +41 76 269 7566

Canada flag icon
UK flag icon
Switzerland flag icon
ISPS Trauma Therapy Training

This online training will be delivered in English. It will be suitable for US/Canada and European/North African time zones. Trainer: Dr Céline Guérin. Contact Celine (in Switzerland - English or French) via email: dr.guerin(at)

Canada flag icon
France flag icon
en ligne
ISPS Foundational Training

Cette formation en ligne sera dispensée en français. Elle sera adaptée aux fuseaux horaires du Québec (8h-12h) et de l'Europe/Afrique du Nord (14h-18h CET). Elle sera dispensée les dimanches du mois de mai (5, 12, 19 et 26). Formateurs : Julien Roux et Shayne McKenzie. Contactez Julien (à Montréal - français ou anglais) par courriel : contact(at) ou WhatsApp : +33 7 82 60 90 24.

Canada flag icon
UK flag icon
ISPS Foundational Training

This online training teaches the foundational trauma healing techniques most often used in our trauma therapy protocols. It will be delivered in English in five 3-hour sessions. Start date will be determined by student availability. It will be suitable for North and South America and UK/Europe/Africa time zones. Trainer: Shayne McKenzie. Contact Shayne via email: shayne(at) or WhatsApp: +41 76 269 7566

Poland flag icon
ISPS Trauma Therapy Training

Delivered in Polish. Online, using Zoom conference formula. 20 weeks long, once or twice per week, agreed with the group. Teachers: Agata Szyplińska and Marzena Defler. Contact via email address: Agata.szyplinska(at) or ispsmarzena(at) or WhatsApp/phone: 0034 685051586 or +48 791 190 403.

Graduate Updates & Support Seminars

We have free online quarterly updates and other support seminars for school graduates to keep them trained in our latest discoveries and techniques. We also have free biannual gatherings to meet colleagues and get further training.

Date Location Graduate seminars / gatherings
July 2-3
Denmark flag icon
& online
5th International Psycho-immunology & Psychobiology Research Symposium

This is both a free Zoom conference and a gathering in Løsning, Denmark. If you would like to attend or present, please contact us. For more information, go to the conference webpage. To view presenter videos from all the symposiums, visit our YouTube channel.

Google Training Calendar
Click on a calendar event to get details. Choose a time zone with the right-hand drop down menu.

How to use this Google calendar:
  • This calendar is on Pacific Daylight Time (western Canada). Use the drop down menu at the top of the calendar to change the calendar's time zone.
  • To get details, click on the event that you are interested in - an information window will pop up.
  • To view other months, use the left and right arrows at the upper left above the calendar.
  • To view by week, month, or by a listing, use the buttons at the upper right corner of the calendar.
  • To subscribe to this google calendar, use the button on the lower right of the calendar. (It displays in your own time zone.)
  • To use iCal on the Mac to subscribe to this calendar, click on iCal's Calendar > File > New Calendar Subscription, and enter

…or visit our Forum

Revision History
Dec 19, 2024: Made the schedule listings mobile friendly.
Feb 3, 2014: Added a pulldown menu to change the calendar time zone.