School Locations
We currently teach subcellular and developmental psychobiology techniques in Australia, Canada, Germany, Mauritius and Poland.
Australia has a residential retreat center near Lillian Rock, NSW, Australia. To see pictures and learn more, click here. Contact Nemi Nath at  or phone +61 (0) 2 66897455.
Courses in Canada are taught on Hornby Island, British Columbia. We rent a house for student accommodations and kitchen, and teach nearby at Dr. McFetridge's home. To see pictures and learn more, click here. Contact Dr. Grant McFetridge at  or phone +1 250-413-3211. 

Courses in Denmark are taught at a home in the small village of Løsning in western Denmark. Courses are taught by Leif Pedersen and Lailah Johannsen. Contact Leif at or phone +45 5117 1838.

Gran Canaria
Spain has a residential retreat center on the island of Gran Canaria. To see pictures and learn more, click here. Contact Agata Szyplińska at  or phone 0034 685051586. 

Courses in Poland are (usually) taught in Krakow. To see pictures and learn more, click here. Contact Agata Szyplinska at  or phone +48 503 975 081.
…or visit our Forum
Revision History
Jan 8, 2016: Added Danish and Mauritius locations.
Nov 4, 2014: Updated contact list, and added Polish location.