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Course #150: Peak States and Prenatal Development
Professional Therapist Training

Course Syllabus
            This professional training is on peak states of consciousness and our techniques for acquiring them.This class provides an intensive exposure to the newest generation of both trauma and peak state techniques and, for many of you, personal acquisition of a variety of states. Theory is mixed with using techniques to acquire peak states for ourselves and each other.

cover Volume 2 of Peak States
            The training covers several areas:
  1. Acquiring some important peak states of consciousness;
  2. Be exposed to ways of inducing peak states into others;
  3. An introduction to more fundamental spiritual and shamanic states of consciousness;
  4. Understand the risks involved with using trauma processes for states.

            The class will be using several peak states processes, some our own, some developed by others. Everyone in the class will be expected to acquire the Silent Mind state. This state gives a wonderful silence in the mind and is critically important state for your own mental health. Simple to do, it is ideal for clients. We'll also practice the Inner Peace Process in class, which gives a continuous state where past emotional trauma doesn't normally get triggered. We'll also work with other important peak states that have minimal risk or adjustment problems for students.

            Some of the unusual problems with acquiring peak states and ways to deal with them will be covered. How to deal with the Tribal Block to acquiring peak states will be used on everyone who attends, and is useful for clients in a variety of circumstances.

Course Content Overview
  • Peak Experience to Peak State process
  • Silent Mind state
  • Inner Peace state
  • Life Path state
  • Tribal Block
  • Observing and having supervised sessions with clients doing peak state processes
  • Risks with peak state processes

Who is this course for?
            This course is designed for professionals (and qualified laypeople) who are interested in exploring the new frontier of peak states of consciousness. (Read comments from your colleagues who have taken this course). Rather than being just a workshop designed to satisfy curiosity, this is a training for professionals designed to teach participants some of the newest generation of models and techniques in the new field of peak states of consciousness.

Peak States of Consciousness volume 1 cover
  • Familiarity with meridian (tapping) therapies.
  • Completion of courses #100, 110, 121, 130, 140.

Safety Issues
            However, taking this class does not authorize you to use every process on clients yet - certification by the Institute is required for safety and other reasons, and you will be signing an agreement to this effect. The certification process is based on acquiring certified trauma emergency skills, acquiring competence through self-practice and practice with the other course participants or individuals who have previously completed the course, and other requirements. See the webpage on the Basic PeakStates certification process for more detail.

Required Reading
            As with anything, what you get depends on what you put into it. To get the most out of the class, read the textbooks before attending class. If you prepare ahead of time, your experience will be richer and more useful.
  • Peak States of Consciousness, Volume 1 by Grant McFetridge et al. (an overview for the lay public)
  • Peak States of Consciousness Volume 2 by Grant McFetridge and Wes Geiz (details for therapists)

Course Length:
  • Typically 7 days.

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Revision History
Jan 16, 2016: Rewritten for the new website.
Nov 20, 2009: Changed course number from 140 to 150.
January 20, 2007: First description of this course.