Therapist Training Courses
Because the Institute is focused on taking our discoveries to the world, most of our courses emphasize the training of professional therapists. (We are currently adding more courses for professionals from other fields, such as medicine or biology.) Therapists can take individual courses; or take a sequence of courses and become certified by the Institute (if they pass the requirements).
These are graduate level courses
These professional courses are taught at a university graduate level. In a short time they cover a huge range: clinical psychology, transpersonal psychology, prenatal development, and subcellular biology. Thus, we highly recommend you read the required textbooks before you come to the course. You will also be seeing and practicing your understanding on a number of clients who will have a huge range of problems. Don't plan on taking time off to be a tourist!

If you are already part of the breathwork community, or work with prenatal trauma using other techniques, your background is ideal for peak states work. It is a natural progression to what you are already doing. You already understand prenatal trauma, and you've probably already seen your clients go occasionally into peak states. This training allows you to understand why this happened, how to target what you need to make it happen on purpose, and how to make the states permanent.
Who does well in these classes?
Of course, everyone is unique in their own way, but in general terms we tend to see two different types of people at our trainings. Many are therapists who have reached the edge of current techniques, and are looking for better ways to help their clients. For them, the biggest challenge is to unlearn material they've been taught, so they can incorporate the subcellular biology into their understanding. Essentially, a person has to stop trying to fit the biological models into conventional maps, and instead see that this is bigger and encompasses everything else they know. Once they make that transition, they can see how what they had learned, seen and experienced in the past now fits into this new way of understanding.
Another type of student we see in our classes is generally younger, in their twenties or early thirties, and is looking for some way to reconcile all the different maps of the mind and conflicting ideas that are taught in school, what all the different techniques are trying to accomplish, and how the fields of healing and spiritual growth just don't have any underlying models that explain the full range of people's experiences. But their search is actually bigger - they are really looking for a simple, fundamental, biological understanding of how the different aspects of medicine, biology, psychology, and spirituality all fit together. We really encourage these students in our Institute, because they are the generation that will take our biological discoveries out into the world.
Students often also look for a number of other aspects to the training:
- Meet some of the people in the forefront of this breakthrough work, and learn enough to be able to find other leaders in this world-wide change in approach.
- We all have areas that we have trouble healing. Part of the class is in understanding what causes this problem, along with some in-class time to heal them.
- Get ongoing support via phone conferences and the camaraderie of peers who understand this new field.
- Master the techniques well enough so they can add to their own personal collection of peak states.
- Be a part of finding cures for previously 'incurable' diseases, new peak states, and peak state processes that have never yet been seen on the face of the planet.
- And on a practical note, several of our licensed processes require that they have completed the classes with its professional certification procedure.
What are some of the drawbacks to the full training?
Our training is not for everyone, whether it is just a single class or the entire therapist sequence. From our perspective, we teach because we want to increase the number of well trained, capable therapists who will help suffering people by bringing our new way of working to the world; not to make money off of an endless series of classes. Thus, we want people who will benefit from this training, and when possible will hopefully go on to become certified by the Institute - a win-win for us all. For example, we have you take three sessions with certified therapists of your choice, to help you understand what you're getting into before you take classes. Let's look at some of the reasons you should not start training. Some of the drawbacks are:
- These new techniques are only 'first generation', and so won't work for everyone. This can, frustratingly, include the student!
- Nor is the developmental work complete - we don't have everything for anyone. It is a lot like buying an Apple II in the early 1980s, useful but by no means as sophisticated as the computers that came a decade later.
- The field is changing rapidly. Techniques and theory are evolving daily, and keeping up requires some effort. For therapists uncomfortable with rapid change and the need to stay updated, certification is not for you. This situation won't change for another decade or so.
- In the limited course time, we don't have time to get you to proficiency in every technique. Expect this and plan on working on yourself for an average of 6 months after the training to complete everything and become proficient.
- The class isn't just one simple technique, but several, very powerful techniques. If you expect to get the answers to everything in something that can be explained in a 'sound bite', you'll be disappointed. Like any worthwhile skill, it requires time and commitment to master. These are university graduate level courses.
- Taking the class does not automatically mean that you will be able to become certified, as it depends on skill and other legal concerns (just as taking conventional therapy schooling does not mean that graduates will be able to become licensed).
- The full therapist course sequence takes about a full month. The costs add up - lost income while you are away from home, the course fee, travel, room and board.
Student's financial expectations
The courses are not cheap - but don't expect to earn more after taking this training! Instead, consider taking this class just for professional reasons - to improve your ability to help your clients. The skills you'll gain will make you a better healer, but may have no direct impact on your income. After all, the fields of subcellular psychobiology and peak states of consciousness are virtually unknown to the general public - it is very unlikely that you would increase your client base by taking this training and offering such a service. Instead, we feel that significant financial return for students will eventually be in areas of their, or our specializations ('major diseases').
- This work involves state-of-the-art trauma healing. Thus, we assume that our students already have experience with current powerful trauma healing therapies. We've found empirically that students without this background do not benefit fully from our training - the need to address trauma is not clear to most laypeople.
- In a few courses, some of the material we teach is still experimental and potentially dangerous. Read the liability and safety agreement form before your training starts.
- This training is only for people without significant personal issues or potentially threatening health problems. Read the liability and safety agreements for particulars.
- Please read the textbooks before the class. We assume you have done so - in the short amount of class time, you will not have nearly as complete a learning experience without the thought and effort of reading ahead of time.
- Significant pain and suffering can occur as we heal major life issues. If you are unwilling to go into these types of experiences, the therapist training courses are not for you.
- Because of safety, liability, and licensing concerns, you will be signing an agreement not to use certain techniques with clients before you finish the certification process. Not everyone will be certified (just like with academic therapist training in psychology), so if this risk of your time and money isn't one you are willing to take, this training isn't for you. See the attached PDF file (80kB) for a summary of the student's scope of practice agreements.
- If you're not personally known by the teacher, you will be asked to fill out an application that discuss your background to see if it is a good fit for this advanced, experiential therapist training. You will also be interviewed.
- No current psychiatric or major problem issues (such as suicidal tendencies) - these classes are not for healing of major personal problems.
- No potentially life threatening conditions such as a weak heart.
- Potential students will have a scan done for structural problems before the training, and we strongly recommend three healing sessions before coming to the training (to give an understanding of what will be encountered in class).
Usage restrictions
In a few of our therapist classes we may teach a process or technique that we consider experimental or that still requires further development. In this case, students sign an agreement to not use or teach these technique with others.
In addition, many of our techniques and processes are trademarked. This is simply to avoid the problem of untrained or unqualified people teaching this material and causing harm to others. All our teachers are also part of our research group, so they are completely up to date with our work, and have extensive experience working with clients in our clinics.
The Institute trains therapists in subcellular psychobiology and peak states techniques. If a therapist takes the #110, 120, 130, 140, and 150 courses, they become eligible to test for certification by the Institute (see course #190 for more details).
So why would anyone ever want to become an Institute certified therapist? There are definitely pro's and con's to becoming certified - it is not for everyone. Let's look at some of the tradeoffs. First, certified therapists have access to licensed material that is not available to students; they also have access to new material as it is developed - this field is rapidly changing and it automatically keeps therapists up to date. More importantly, they become part of a network of Institute clinics that they can get help from with their clients, if needed. From our perspective, certified therapists are exceptional professionals on the cutting edge, helping us in our objective of redefining the field of psychology. But there is a serious drawback to certification - we require therapists who are certified to only 'charge for results' in all the therapy work they do.
As part of being certified, these therapists are listed on their own client-centered Institute website (with each therapist having their own individual informational webpage) designed specifically to help clients find them and their unique services.
Course Transcripts and Certificates of Completion
Students are issued certificates of completion after taking our courses. Some government regulatory bodies require these certificates along with course transcripts that describe the coursework and hours. As our courses evolve and change over time, we've attached descriptions of previous course summaries for your use. Please contact the Therapist Support Coordinator Gaetan Klein (

2013 Course Descriptions (for Australia)
2015 Course Descriptions (for Denmark)
…or visit our Forum
Revision History
Nov 24, 2014: Rewrote much of the webpage. Added the specialization course on spiritual emergencies.
July 27, 2014: Added a time limit to becoming certified after training.
Nov 11, 2011: Changed the length of course #130 to 2 days. Moved the peak experience to peak states process to course #150.
June 24, 2011: Adjusted the length of some of the courses.
Nov 20, 2009: Moved the triune brain therapy course to before the WHH course, and renumbered courses.
July 10, 2009: Outline of new course sequence.