Contact the School
January 20, 2018
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You can send and email to the school by clicking on the button above and filling out the online form. Or you can email us directly at

Visiting the Institute
The Institute staff live in locations scattered around the world, in such places as Canada, the USA, Australia, and Europe. Our main office location is on Hornby Island, British Columbia, Canada.
If you are thinking about stopping by for a visit at any of our facilities, be sure to call ahead - we're often away. (Australia has a retreat center with plenty of beds.) We've included directions and some some pictures on this webpage.
Our mailing address is:
The Institute for the Study of Peak States
3310 Cowie Rd., Hornby Island, BC
V0R 1Z0
We use the MailChimp system to distribute newsletters for the school. Type your email address in the box below then hit return to register with us. We will not pass on your email address, nor send any emails other than the newsletters. To end your subscription, simply hit the cancel subscription link at the bottom of every newsletter.
…or visit our Forum
Revision History:
Jan 20, 2019: Deleted the contact form to block spam.
May 27, 2014: Changed the Newsletter signup from Yahoo to MailChimp.
August 31, 2013: Added a form to email the ISPS.
March 30, 2007: FIrst draft.